Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Africa Change over Time Essay

Around the period during the second World War and the Cold War, a Red Scare went on in the most powerful and influential capitalist countries of the world. The Red Scare was basically a fear of the spread of communism. According to the Domino Theory, which was developed in that era, if a specific country turned to communism, communism would soon spread to all the other countries in that area. This fear caused the United States to jump into action at the slightest sign of communist influence in many places in the world, especially subsaharan Africa. However, over the years, this fear has eased, and the U. S. is more prone to attempting to aid these nations, rather than destroying them. In sub-saharan Africa, from around 1900 to present day, conditions there have both changed and stayed the same. On one hand, western involvement in the area has changed, but on the other hand, the constant civil wars and oppressive circumstances from the past still exist today. Sub-saharan Africa from the beginning of the 20th century up to this present day has been under constant civil war. South Africa, Sudan, Mozambique, Angola, Ethiopia and Zaire (or the Republic of Congo) are good examples of this. South Africa was first colonized by the Dutch who integrated themselves into the country. However, in the late 19th century, the English conquered South Africa and moved the Boers (the Dutch-Africans) to the north of the country where they clashed with the native Zulu tribe. When diamonds where later discovered in that area, the Dutch and the English had wars for the territory. In Sudan, a fundamentalist Islamic group that sits at the head of the government was at civil war with a rebel Christian group. The main reason for this conflict was the obvious religious differences. This conflict has ruined many crops and homes of civilians and forced many others to flee the country. In Mozambique the civil So? a Gruber war there was a proxy war between the Soviet Union, that influenced a Marxist government in that area, and the U. S. , that sponsored a rebel movement to usurp the communist government. Similarly, in Angola and Ethiopia, a proxy war, sponsored by the two Cold War superpowers tear the countries apart, causing widespread famine and suffering. Finally, the civil war in Congo, that has lasted for decades, was a tug for power between both left and right leaders who, nonetheless, where all power hungry and corrupt. In sub-saharan Africa, there is a continuous pattern of oppression of the people. The examples for this seem to be endless, between constant genocides and militaristic dictators, the people in sub-saharan Africa suffer and die in squalor. In Rwanda, a mass genocide erupted when the Hutu tribe blamed the Tutsi tribe for their leader’s death. In a time span of 100 days, nearly 8000 people died, and countless more were injured in unspeakable ways. Throughout all of Africa, the use of child soldiers has become extremely popular. It is not uncommon for a 10 year old boy (sometimes even younger) to be drugged and paraded down the street while they shot innocent civilians and mutilated them. The living conditions in many nations are unspeakable. Many families live in shacks with no running water, and very few of them have any means of contact to the outside world (television, phones, radio, ect. ). Constant civil war force many families to flee their country, creating refugees for other countries, who stick them all in refugee camps. Most methods of war involve hurting civilians, in Sudan, a popular resistance method was scorched-earth policies. Here, armies would burn down everything that would be essential to life, ensuring that no aid would be available to their opponent. In South Africa, mostly, apartheid was practiced to the extreme. Not only were there segregated bathrooms and schools, but entire towns. A white minority would live in splendor, while the black, native majority would live in squalor. From 1900 to present day, the world’s involvement in sub-saharan Africa has drastically changed. Western involvement in sub-saharan Africa mainly consisted in imperialistic motives and proxy wars. However, its started to change into wanting to help improve the standard of living. South Africa is a very good example of this. In the times of imperialism, England and Holland both had interest in South Africa. England wanted to create colonies there and the Dutch were already there. After the Dutch kicked the English out of the country, they set up their own personal empire in the region. They created a world where whites ruled over blacks. The insalubrious living conditions there for the native black majority eventually set off the rest of the world. After years of both internal and external pressure, the South African government finally ended apartheid in the country. This type of change goes on in many African countries. Most of these countries suffer due to futile proxy wars set up in the region by both Soviet and American forces. After decades of watching this fighting, the world decided to step in and help. Red Cross is sent in there to aid and occasionally, the United Nations tries to stop these wars. Non-profit organizations, such as UNICEF and Hand Up Africa encourage western civilians to take part in working for peace in the sub-saharan African nations. Despite the change in western attitude towards sub-saharan African nations, most of them still are under the threat of constant civil war and their people live in oppressive circumstances. Many of these civil wars were caused by the American fear towards communism and tribal and religious differences. These conflicts bring rise to militaristic dictatorships and decrease the standard of living prominently. However, in retrospect, western nations seemed to have repented for their destruction of the large continent and continuously attempt to rebuild it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Microhabitat Variation

Temperature results for this observational study show that temperature mean and standard deviation values vary as you go from one location to another. These results are basically affected by several factors. One factor for example is the amount of sunlight received by a particular area. Shaded locations, such as under a holly tree and another tree near the shore pond registered lower mean temperatures (20.55 C and 21.03 C respectively) compared to those areas that are more exposed to direct sunlight such as the sunny patch of grass (31.60 C) and at the bleachers (28.52 C). exposure to direct sunlight obviously increases the temperature of a certain area while the absence of it decreases the temperature. Also, the canopy of the trees hinders the sunlight to penetrate the area under it thus, contributing to the lowering of the temperature of the said locations. The amount of sunlight that enters the Earth has great effect on air temperature. But as sunlight passes through the air, it does not heat it but rather, warms the air above the liquids (streams, ponds) and solids (soil) on the Earth. Usually, the warmest time of the day is the middle because it is when the sunlight is directly hitting these liquids and solids. â€Å"Temperature is usually low at midnight, decreasing in the early hours of the morning, and then increasing rapidly until just after midday. It then decreases during the night† ( Also, it is warmer during summer because there are more time for the Earth’s surface to heat up as compared during winter time. This event is also observable inside a thermometer, an instrument used to measure temperature. The liquid inside this instrument expands and goes up when the air surrounding it is warm. During colder days on the other hand, the liquid contracts and goes down. On the other hand, the temperature values observed under a tree showed a larger standard deviation (32.74) as compared to other areas observed. This can be explained by the fact that trees have the ability to reduce wind and air circulation especially in humid climates. Large trees with dense foliage can limit air circulation on hot days and increase the landscape's humidity by decreasing the amount of available sunlight. The lower a tree's branches are to the ground, the more it contributes to an airless space (http:www.). Variations on the activities of the tree in order to adapt to the existing sunlight amount caused the wide range of temperature values observed in this specific location. The scatterplot shows that the average temperatures of the study locations and the number of animals observed on those locations have no significant relationship with one another as proven by a high P value (0.135). Also, the two variables have a weak positive relationship as shown by a positive R value (0.377). These observations mean that although the two variables have no significant relationship, it should still be noted that they have a positive and direct relationship, which means that as the average temperatures of the study locations increases, so does the number of animals observed on those locations and vice versa. The abovementioned observations can be explained by the fact that animals’ survival is greatly affected by any change in their surrounding environment’s temperature. According to Liebig's Law of the Minimum, â€Å"population growth will be limited by the required factor that is in shortest supply† ( The factor in shortest supply can be called as the limiting factor which determines the abundance or lack of a certain number of animals and other organisms and it can either be an abiotic of biotic factor. In this experiment, we regarded the temperature as the main abiotic factor under observation. Different animals have different tolerance levels for different factors affecting their survival. For temperature, â€Å"eurythermals† have wide range of tolerance for temperatures while â€Å"stenothermal† refers to those who have narrow tolerance for temperature. These mean that if a certain organism or group of organism cannot adapt to an environment with limiting factors that are necessary for their survival, or they cannot tolerate any drastic increase or decrease in temperature, they may be unable to reproduce or worse, die. Another explanation for this event is the ability of animal for thermoregulation. â€Å"Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature within certain boundaries, even when temperature surrounding is very different† ( It one process of homeostasis which is a vigorous condition of constancy between an animal’s internal and external environments. In relation to this, there are two conditions that can happen to an organism when it cannot regulate its internal and external environments and maintain its normal temperature. One is hyperthermia, this can happen when an organism’s body temperature significantly increases above normal. On the other hand, it’s opposite is known as hypothermia wherein the body temperature decreases below the normal level. When an organism suffers any of these two conditions, it can be very fatal. These concepts only prove that the average temperatures of the study area and the number of animals found in each observed area have a direct relationship with one another. And these can happen either during the hot day or cold day but may have different manifestations depending on the kind of organism and how it adapts to the changes in its environment. Animals tend to prefer microclimates that show very little variation in temperature because it will be of great cost to them if they always have to regulate their body temperatures in order to adapt to their environment. And in vice versa, it will be of great help to them if they do not need to do this anymore because they will save up their energy for other metabolic processes such as reproduction or food storage and consumption. Sources: Lecture: Physiological Ecology. Retrieved November 8, 2006, from Mackintoch, L. Answers to Questions. Retrieved November 8, 2006, from Streich A., Janssen D., Gaussoin R., and Rodie S. (2003, July). Landscapes for Shade. Retrieved November 8, 2006 Sunlight's Effect on Air Temperature. Retrieved November 8, 2006 from Thermoregulation.   Retrieved November 8, 2006 from            

Monday, July 29, 2019

Buenavista Plywood Corporation

Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma. Buenavista Plywood Corporation Garcia has to achieve in the course of action he has to take: 1. To maintain a stable and reliable workforce; 2. To protect the company’s reputation by avoiding confrontation with formal union groups; 3. To address production problems and costs; 4. To meet the rated capacity of the plant; 5. To safeguard the long-run profitability and stability of Buenavista Plywood Corporation. Situational Analysis The Buenavista Plywood Corporation was organized in Cagayan de Oro City in 1950 by the Santiago Family. Don Jose Santiago, the present head of the family, was well qualified to carry the traditions of this prominent family. The Santiagos have been involved in politics in nearby Bohol, the ancestral home. They had been pioneering industrialists in the plywood business. Don Jose had been an early advocate of local processing of lumber as opposed to the shipping of log abroad. VISTAWOOD, the trademark chosen for their plywood, was one of the first export plywood production in the Philippines. Late in the fall of 1960, at a time when the plant was operating at capacity, working three shifts a day, some representatives of a national labor organization gained the allegiance of a large group of workers to establish a union at VISTAWOOD. Over the period of several months, the union activists who were assigned to the logging concessions left the company at their own initiative. These events marked the end of any organized activity at VISTAWOOD. As a matter of general policy, management preferred to hire people from Bohol and even tolerate some irregularities due to this peculiar working arrangement, than to risk another confrontation with formal union organizations. In fact, Don Jose soon began to rely on political leverage this group of workers afforded him in his election campaigns in Bohol. Late in 1967, VISTAWOOD was facing serious production problems. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Fierce competition in the export market and decreasing selling prices, coupled with new duties being levied by importing countries had aggravated the situation. It was apparent to management that the only source of improvement would have to be the production function. Costs of operating the plant had been steadily rising without no accompanying rise in production volume. Mr. Antonio Garcia was brought to VISTAWOOD Superintendent in the hope that he could bring some improvements in the plywood plant. Discovering the absentee rate of the plant, Mr. Garcia began to examine this and other related problems at VISTAWOOD. It became increasingly clear that: (1) production was low and highly erratic and (2) one of the main causes of this gloomy situation was the unstable and unreliable workforce. The absentee rates fluctuated between 50% during Monday and Saturday nights and 30% during the rest of the week. Daily production was so adversely affected by this shifting workforce, that Sundays had to be regarded as regular work days but with higher labor costs. Mr. Garcia was convinced that the plant could be run on a six-day schedule and meets the rated capacity if an adequate workforce could be maintained in the ratio of 3:2. Decision Framework Constraints Given the problematic framework on situation described, Mr. Garcia now had to decide what to do with the problem on the imported workers from Bohol. The fluctuating absentee rates of these employees has resulted to serious problems such as the unstable, unreliable and inadequate workforce unable to meet the rated capacity at the plant and resulted to low and highly erratic roduction. Rated capacity and management profit goals had not been attained for several years. Aside from the fierce competition in the export market, decreasing selling prices, and rising production costs, imported workers from Bohol have created greater problems. Increasing the production volume through having an adequate stable workforce is the only solution to the problems faced by the company. And that would mean to fire those workers from Bohol who have absentee problems. These people create greater inefficiencies for the company. However, this will risk the company to face formal union organizations. And these would mean putting the company in bad public image ore reputation. Retaining the employees from Bohol will protect the company’s reputation but the absentee rates of these employees affect production costs and volume. And if not addressed will result to financial ruin for the company. Mr. Garcia is therefore caught in a seemingly difficult dilemma and has to formulate a decision which would both safeguard stability and profitability at the company and at the same time, protect the reputation of the company. DECISION ALTERNATIVES The following choices are open to Mr. Garcia: 1. Fine the employees from Bohol who have absentee problems but spell ruin on the company’s reputation; or 2. Retain the employees from Bohol but creates problems on the production costs and volume and eventually spell financial ruin to the company. RECOMMENDATION The first alternative to fine employees from Bohol is preferable given the following considerations: 1. It will decrease absentee rates of employees and having a stable and reliable workforce will result in meeting the rated capacity and volume of the plant. 2. It will dissociate political expediency from management decisions. 3. Mr. Garcia could talk to the workforce from Bohol to avoid establishing a union at VISTAWOOD. CONCLUSION Firing the workers from Bohol will address production problems of the company and insure the long-run stability and profitability of VISTAWOOD. Such a course of action, therefore, would achieve all the objectives set out earlier in the present dilemma.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conspiracy theory about aliens Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conspiracy theory about aliens - Research Paper Example However, since there is no hard evidence for their existence, hence this paper argues that aliens are not real. It is very logical to be skeptic on the issue of the existence of aliens, because their existence is such a statement that is extraordinary, and any statement that is extra ordinary requires extraordinary evidence, which has never been put forward. Once in a blue moon, somebody sights strange lights in the sky, or an aircraft maneuvering in a bizarre fashion before disappearing, or a weird object lying in a desolate place, and calls it evidence that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial beings called aliens. Is it logical enough to call these claims as hard evidences leading to the existence of aliens? Unbelievable. Vaeni (371) states: â€Å"Aliens aren’t real, they’re hallucinations and misinterpretations. They are a pop culture phenomenon. They are a conspiracy from the government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  There are a lot of activities that humans are conducting in space for the sake of research, scrutiny and security; and, sighting some of these moves and calling them extraterrestrial activities is purely unreasoned, irrational and humorous. Moreover, it is not rational to believe that life can exist in the form of beings like us or other forms in other planets, where there is no air, water or food. Research has been done which proves that there is no such thing found in other planets that may be able to support life in any form. Srivastava (79) writes in his book: â€Å"Our earth is a unique planet; we have all those conditions, which are not found on any other planet. Here we have air, water soil and minerals, moderate temperatures suitable for sustaining life on earth.† Then, how is it possible that life exists on other planets? It is matter of common sense that since earth can support life, human beings can sustain life and become individuals that use modern tools and technologies to bring comfort to their lives. The conditions of earth support

Information Sysytems Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Information Sysytems Discussion Question - Essay Example Also, information systems contain crucial data related to the organization, its employees and the consumers, which cannot be given into the hands of everybody. Only the authorized person should be allowed to manage the information system so that illegal access is controlled (Godara, 2009). 2. If you were setting up websites†¦ Management problems would include poor quality of content provided by the customer; trouble in getting logo and graphics from the client; dealing with a hard client who is never satisfied; payment problems; deadline issues; dealing with host companies; and, error reports from the customer. Dealing with the customer’s ever-changing requirements and developing a good communication platform are also big issues. Organization issues include creating and maintaining the right kind of organizational culture and attitudes; dealing with employee dissatisfaction and politics; coping with insufficient supply of resources; and, organizing project modules. Techno logy issues would include troublesome hardware; old versions of software; and, hardware and software incompatibility. 3.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Management in Egypt Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Management in Egypt - Research Paper Example The extent to which an individual can be good as a manager is influenced by a lot of factors that include but are not limited to age, region, religion, culture, gender, experience and knowledge. One of the most significant and influential among these factors is the culture that a manager belongs to. Culture sets the norms, trends and traditions upon which all business practices in a particular region base. In order to run a successful business, it is imperative that the manager fully understands and complies with the requirements of the culture that prevails in the area in which the business is conducted. There are several cultural factors that enhance an individual’s ability to manage the work. Likewise, there are many factors of cultural significance that decline the individual’s ability to manage. For example, a culture that is receptive towards external influences and elements may make it very easy for a manager to implement innovative and creative ideas in a busine ss setting. On the other hand, such a culture may easily loose the inherent goodness of the business practices as they give room to foreign elements. Therefore, in order to be successful as a manager in a particular culture, it is advisable to carry out a deep analysis of the culture and study its traits that may enhance or decline the eligibility of an individual as a manager. This paper aims at discussing the positive and negative influences of the Egyptian culture upon management. Management in Egyptian culture: Egypt has a very formal set up of business, and there are a lot of requirements of intercultural management. In order to fulfill the requirements of the intercultural management, managers need to be courteous to their maximum capacity all the time. People in power and authority need to be dealt with utmost respect and honor. Normally, the practice involves an Egyptian agent who assumes the role of an intermediary between a manager and another professional, whose basic tas k is to arrange appointments. For an individual who has business in two different cities in Egypt at one time, it is advisable to keep two different agents for each so that matters can be addressed with full formality. Agents for business can be got from the â€Å"commercial attache of the Egyptian Embassy in your country, the commercial section of your country’s embassy in Egypt, or the Egyptian Department of Commerce† (kwintessential). Formality is the key trait of business in Egypt. When people meet one another, tea or coffee is commonly served and is assumed as a symbol of hospitality. The beverage an individual offers in the business in Egypt represents the individual in person. Therefore, if the person who is offered the beverage does not accept it, he/she essentially rejects the offer maker. In order to display hospitality and comply with the requirements of ethics, it is compulsory for the guest to take at least a sip, if not drink the whole cup. Egyptians plac e a lot of emphasis on an individual’s looks and the way he carries himself. In the Egyptian culture, people are judged by their appearances. Managers are essentially people in power, so they should develop and maintain a high status. Therefore, in order for an individual to be successful and respected as a manager, it is imperative that he presents himself in a highly professional way and makes stay in some international hotel of extreme standard. Also, managers in Egypt do not differentiate between their personal and professional life. Both go side by side and often merge into each other. Managers tend to assist their subordinates in all aspects of the job. Managers

Friday, July 26, 2019

What is the significance of 'The Orphan' with reference to Charles Essay

What is the significance of 'The Orphan' with reference to Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, George Elliot's Daniel Deronda and Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre - Essay Example Many had lost only one parent, others were abandoned or neglected, perhaps for reasons of penury, and many were illegitimate and marginalized. Victorian times showed no compassion towards children who had no control over their parentage. (Banerjee ibid). Orphans were very often homeless and vulnerable, prey to criminals who used them for their own abusive purposes, turning innocent children into hardened thieves (Sadrin 1994). Those who were the hardiest managed to survive, ‘...hungry, roaming singly or in packs like young wolves, snatching, stealing, stone-throwing, destructive, brutish, and cruel when not merely hopeless and lost.’ (Roe 27) There were thousands, and they came into contact with most inhabitants of large British cities, so it was inevitable that they would enter the literature of the day. Authors such as Dickens, Eliot, and Brontà « were joined by Charles Kingsley, who wrote The Water Babies, Thomas Hughes, who wrote Tom Brown’s Schooldays, Mrs. Gaskell, who wrote John Halifax, Gentleman, and there is of course George Eliot’s other novel, Silas Marner, among many others. So much so, that even modern day works such as Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince give us hints of Victorian influence in characters such as Lord Voldemort, and Mrs. Cole, who seems to be modeled on Dickens’ Mrs. Thingummy in Oliver Twist, who was also an orphan and lived in an institution. (Washick 2009) Charles Dickens did not only use his own childhood as a background for David Copperfield, but described the whole pervasive atmosphere and environment which was London in his early experience and that of all its inhabitants of the time. Little Davy in the novel endures hardship and penury - not only his own, but that of others around him, because he had no father - and he takes it as a matter of course that he and his mother are treated badly. His whole personality is saturated with the rigors of practical ‘making-do’, which

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Chemicals and Nanotechnology in Water Purification Essay

Chemicals and Nanotechnology in Water Purification - Essay Example As a result, various industries and other interest groups have hugely invested in nanotechnology researchers as this technology is predicted to be a better alternative to the existing chemical treatments. One of the major issues is that the world has been facing severe water pollution and paucity issues over the last two decades. The existing chemical treatments for water purification have been outdated due to their complexity and higher cost. This paper identifies that nanotechnology is a better alternative to the existing chemical treatments as this technology is more cost efficient and eco-friendly. Contents Abstract Introduction 1 1. Chemical treatments for water purification 2 1.1 Advantages 2 1.2 Disadvantages 3 2. Nanotechnology for water purification 5 2.1 Advantages 6 2.2 Disadvantages 8 3. Discussion 8 Conclusion 10 Reference 11 Introduction Freshwater is essential for human survival and it is a crucial component in many key industries such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, and food. The world is facing potential challenges in meeting the mounting demands of freshwater due to population growth, extended droughts, increased consumption, environmental pollution, and stringent health-based regulations. Hence, in order to meet the growing freshwater needs of a huge global population, new methods of water purification have to be invented. Traditionally, industries have been using a variety of chemical treatments to purify water. Recently, nanotechnology has emerged as an alternative to the traditional way of water purification. To define, â€Å"nanotechnology is the systematic manipulation, production or alteration of structures, systems, materials, or components in the range of atomic or molecular dimensions with/into nanoscale dimensions between 1 nm and 100 nm† (Sepeur 2008, p.14). In addition to water purification, the nanotechnology has a wide variety of applications. Major applications of nanotechnology include diagnostics, drug delivery, cryon ics, reduction of energy consumption, efficient energy production, nuclear accident cleanup, information and communication applications, aerospace technologies, construction, foods, household, optics agriculture, and sports. While evaluating the nanotechnology developments to date, it seems that this technology will be widely used for water purification in the near future as this method has numerous competitive advantages over traditional chemical treatments.This paper will critically compare the efficiency of chemical methods and nanotechnology in water purification with specific reference to advantages and disadvantages of both the techniques. This paper will also explore the future scope of nanotechnology in water purification. 1. Chemical treatments for water purification Various industries have been using different methods with different degrees of effectiveness to purify water. Main chemical treatments for water purification are coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, slu dge storage and removal, dissolved air flotation, filtration, and disinfection.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Phase 2 Discussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Phase 2 Discussion Board - Assignment Example cue efforts even though it was difficult because of the harsh terrain, which made it difficult to get to a close proximity to the earthquake epicentre (Chen & Booth, 2011, p. 199). An earthquake relief team that included about 184 people from Beijing military command and Armed police General Hospital came to help in rescue efforts by providing tents, medical supplies, food and also drinking water. The Red Cross Society in China sent over eighty men to carry supplies by foot to the affected areas since the roads had been damaged completely by landslides. Humanitarian rescue efforts were crucial because the lack of road transport saw helicopters being deployed to rescue people and also provide supplies to the stranded villages. The injured were evacuated from the earthquake-stricken areas on the same day that the earthquake occurred (Chen & Booth, 2011, p. 199). The humanitarian efforts played a great role because of their efforts many lives were saved on the day of the earthquake, who would have died without the fast response. From these efforts, a commander of the armed forces in China announced that over 3,000 survivors had been rescued by the second day of t he earthquake. On the morning of May 14, a team of 15 Special Operations Troops that carried relief supplies and various communication gear managed to use a parachute and land in the inaccessible area of Mao County in the northeast of Wenchuan. In May 25, an additional 90 helicopters were deployed to assist in rescue efforts, and this maximized the number of people that were evacuated from the affected areas. Many injured and hungry were treated and given food and evacuated to safe places. On May 13th, the first outside humanitarian team from Taiwan joined China by sending a chartered flight that carried some 100 tons of various supplies. On 16th May, other humanitarian and rescue teams from Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Russia and even the United States sent aircrafts with tents, medical supplies,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Buildings Energy-efficiency Development in Rural Areas of China Case Study

Buildings Energy-efficiency Development in Rural Areas of China - Case Study Example The threat of environmental pollution in China originates from rural China, where the majority of the population continuously uses forms of energy that are major causes of carbon emission and pollutions of the environment. It is not surprising that various researches are continuously conducted to identify alternative ways of reducing carbon emissions in rural Chinese homes. Also, it does not surprise that building energy-efficient development in rural areas of China is one effective solution to this problem of growing carbon emissions. The ability of rural buildings to maintain efficiency in energy conservation and use is determined by its design. As a result, this paper explores traditional hearth (thermal mass) design in rural Chinese homes. Moreover, it evaluates how design influences energy conservation and utilization. China began consuming high amounts of carbon in late 20th century influenced by the spread of the industrial revolution throughout the world (Stolten and V Scherer 895). In 1990, the country continued to experience increased in total carbon consumption, and total consumption reached 650Mtce in 1995 while per capita consumption was at 900kgce in the same year (Slide 1). In the era of the industrial revolution, the total consumption remained higher that per capita consumption. The factories and industries are producing commodities for the emerging opportunities in the global market consumed a high percentage of carbon. On the other hand, per capita income associated with household carbon consumption was increasing at a decreasing rate over the years and peaked in 2000. At a per capita consumption of 1300Kgce, the total consumption was at a high of 1450Mtce in 2007. Even though, China began consuming more carbon in the 1980s, the country experienced rapid growth in the 21st century seen a sharp increase in total consumption between 1999 and 2007. It

Porter’s 5 Forces Essay Example for Free

Porter’s 5 Forces Essay The fast food industry is one which affects many lives in Canada. The following is a Porter’s 5 Force’s analysis that will determine how attractive this industry is as a whole. To determine the threat of new entrants, one must first consider the barriers to entry. Firstly, the start-up costs associated with the fast food industry are relatively minute. This acts as a low barrier to entry. In this industry, the top four companies account for 37.4% of the total revenue. Although that is not a percentage of mind-changing significance, a business entering this industry must be able to uniquely establish itself with product differentiation. That being said, it is believed that the industry concentration is relatively low. Accordingly, high barriers to entry arise from government regulations, specifically including health and food service as well as occupational health and safety issues, along with a high amounts of competition within the fast food industry. Overall, the barriers to entry can be determined as low resulting in a high threat of new entrants. Next is establishing the power of the buyer. The fast food industry has been impacted by the decreasing demand for fried food and subsequently the increase for healthy options. This change in consumer trends along with a high variety of fast food places to choose from assume high power of the buyer. Secondly, it has been determined that the products sold in the fast food industry are luxury goods goods that are purchased more-so when  economic times are â€Å"good†. In turn, when economic times are â€Å"rough,† consumers will choose to eat less fast food and more home cooking. Overall, the power of the buyer within the fast food industry is high. Thirdly, the threat of substitutes must be determined. Substitutes for the fast food industry include grocery stores (i.e., eating home cooked meals), full-service restaurants (both single and multiple location based businesses), catering companies, food trucks, bars and night clubs. Due to the fact that the fast food indus try consumes a large portion of the food market, it can be concluded that there is a medium threat of substitutes. Examining the bargaining power of suppliers, one can look at two different groups, (1) large companies and (2) small companies. Large companies within the fast food industry include dominant players such as McDonald’s, Subway and Yum! Brands. Due to the large size and demand of these companies, they are relatively dependent on those suppliers who can meet their needs. For these companies, the bargaining power of suppliers is high. However, all other smaller companies are faced with many different suppliers that can meet their demand needs. The smaller companies are faced with low bargaining power of suppliers. All in all, one finds the total bargaining power of suppliers to be at a medium level. Lastly comes the examination of industry rivalry. The three leading companies that take up 33.1% of the market share include McDonald’s, Subway and Yum! Brands. Furthermore, within the market, the total number of companies is forecast to increase on average 1.5% per year to 17,039 in 2019. Overall, the dominant players along with the size of the industry lead to high industry rivalry. Based on the previous analysis and using a scale of 0-10 (0 being very unattractive and 10 being very attractive), the following scores can be determined: Threat of New Entrants = 3, Power of the Buyer = 4, Threat of Substitutes = 6, Bargaining Power of Suppliers = 5 and Industry Rivalry = 3. With an average score of 4.2, it is determined that the fast food industry is of medium attractiveness.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Fundamental Problem Of Exchange In Long Distance Trade Essay Example for Free

The Fundamental Problem Of Exchange In Long Distance Trade Essay How did medieval merchants solve the fundamental problem of exchange in long distance trade? What light does this shed on the prosperity of the Venetian Republic and Portugal before 1700? Trading has been an elementary part of economies since the advantages of it were discovered. The ability to exchange goods greatly contributes to economic efficiency as it enables us to capture gains from natural comparative advantage and division of labour. There are evident gains from trade when a country has an absolute advantage in the production of a good. A country is said to have absolute advantage in production if it can produce the same amount of output with less inputs relative to other countries. This brings about a stronger economy, as there is greater specialisation and technical innovation, which has positive impact on the economy in the long run. There are also gains in trade when a country has a comparative advantage in the production of a good. This is when the opportunity cost for producing a good is lower than that of another country. This results in a higher aggregate output, which means that gains can be split between both countries. The fundamental problem of exchange has existed since the advantages of trade were discovered. It says that even if there are potential gains from trade, trade may still not occur as the lender will not want to lend without being assured that the borrower will not invest the money in a hopeless venture, or take the money and run. It is very difficult to be sure that the person on the other end of a deal will fulfil their contractual obligation. In short, in the absence of commitment, an exchange will not take place. The arguments against trade, if the other side of the bargain wants the maximum gain for him or herself, can be seen very clearly by using the one-sided prisoners dilemma. Player I has the choice of either conducting an exchange or not. If no exchange is conducted, then both player I and II realise no gain. If player I does decide to exchange, player II has the choice to either cooperate or to renege. Both sides gain if player II cooperates, but if we are assuming that player II wants to maximise their own self interest then player II will decide to renege, in which case player I will be worse off. It is possible however that player I will anticipate this happening and so decide not to exchange in the first place. This leaves us in the initial position of both sides not realising any gains from trade and no one being any better or worse off. For the trade to therefore take place, it is essential that player II can guarantee that they will keep to their side of the bargain and not renege. A way for this to successfully occur arose in Europe, as institutions were developed through the formation of merchant guilds. Economic institutions are defined here as a system of social factors, such as rules, beliefs, norms and organisations, that guide, enable and constrain the actions of individuals; thereby generating regularities of behaviour. Merchant guilds were formed in order to act as a deterrent of opportunistic behaviour, both between merchants themselves and between merchants and the state. Within the merchant community itself, the majority of merchants traded through networks of kinship and the exchange of hostages. Networks worked extremely well in deterring opportunistic behaviour, as those with good reputations would carry out many trades, as they were trusted in the community. The fact that reputations also took a long time to build up and could be quickly erased made them of extreme value to people. It was also possible to use strategic marriages and trade through families if you wanted to be sure both sides of a trade were secure. As a medieval ruler would have a local monopoly of the area he ruled, he would be faced with the temptation of abusing his power and appropriating merchants. Merchants therefore devised a solution to combat this problem, which was by organising a boycott of a state that abused the rights of a merchant. This deters predatory behaviour by the ruler, as it is not desirable to deprive the population, the ruler and the merchants the benefits of trade. It therefore has the potential to work very well, but the problem is that it can be very difficult to sustain as some merchants may see ways of maximising their personal gains by renegotiating with the ruler, causing the boycott to deteriorate. It was therefore vital if planning a state boycott to ensure rules were set out to prevent this from happening. Venice played a major role in re-opening the Mediterranean economy to western European commerce after the post-Roman Empire collapse, and the establishment of effective protection for merchants was crucial in this. Venice was very different to other economies of its time as the state was able to create an institutional framework that was favourable to merchant capitalism. It did many things, including the creation of political and legal institutions that guaranteed property rights and enforced contracts; it created a government bonds market, a fiscal system and a democratic system of governance. The creation of the government bonds market was one of the earliest financial markets created. It formed ways of raising funds for the government through compulsory loans on which interest was regularly paid, which is directly comparable to modern day government bonds. It is possible to see just how prosperous the Venetian Republic was in comparison to other European countries by looking at the GDP per Capita it had. In 1500, it had a GDP of $1100, which was far larger than other countries; the UK had a GDP of $714, Spain $698 and the second highest GDP per capita was Belgium with $875. This shows just how prosperous the Venetian Republic really was. Between 1147 and 1249, Portugal emerged from Arab rule. It did so with a significantly different political regime in comparison with that of Venice, as military aristocracy and the church became major landowners, and the interests of the church and the state became very closely linked. The fact that it was placed very well geographically meant that it was able to develop a strong empire through its unearthing of new trade routes and voyages of discovery. The Portuguese state was willing to give Jewish merchants and scholars refuge after they were driven out of Spain, as they recognised the value they had to society through the skills they were able to bring. They were able to provide scientific development, as well as being providing valuable links in trading with the Islamic world. This allowed important networks to be built up, which increased the volume of trade that Portugal came into contact with and so built up its strength as an empire. Although Portugal was extremely successful in its core business areas of shipping and trade, this success did not lead to successful wider development. This can be seen when looking at figures for per capita income before the nineteenth century, which gives an estimate of the per capita income of Portugal of $632. This is far lower than other relatively similarly dominant economies, such as Italy and Belgium, who had per capita incomes of $1100 and $875 respectively. The reason for this can be given by the fact that in general, agriculture and industry were the determining factors when analysing the per capita incomes, and in Portugal these industries were quite underdeveloped relative to other countries. In comparison to Portugal, Venice was far more prosperous. Not only when looking at the per capita incomes, but also when seeing how much more developed the Venetian institutional framework was. It was formed to be favourable to merchant capitalism, which vastly strengthened its trading platform as a country, and therefore the amount of money it was able to make. Trading was only possible through solving the fundamental problem of exchange. Over time, ways of solving the problem became more sophisticated; from using boycotts and networks of trust, to legal frameworks and courts of law. We have been able to become more affluent as economies due to the advantages that trade brings us, as can be seen looking at examples of economies from hundreds of years ago that first experienced the prosperity that trade brought. We have also been able to see the importance that institutions hold in nurturing and maintaining an environment that is favourable to trade, namely in Venice. References: The Fundamental Problem of Exchange: A research agenda in Historical Institutional Analysis Avner Greif, 2000 Cambridge University Press Maryam Shakiba L100

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Extensible Business Reporting Language in India

Extensible Business Reporting Language in India Introduction XBRL XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) reporting is gaining momentum as a medium of digital financial reporting (, 2014). It is a meta-language, based on XML and used as electronic communication of business information. The primary purpose of XBRL is to facilitate the preparation, publishing, exchange, and analysis of financial statements. In fact, using the framework of XBRL it is possible to facilitate numerous types of reports that can efficiently be parsed by computers (Vasarhelyi and Alles, 2008) and software applications available for the analysis of such information (Silveira et al., 2007). XBRL can be considered as innovation as it is becoming an internet business standardization language (Willis, 2007). A XBRL report does not only contain business and financial reporting information but it also includes attributes that describe that information. It doesn’t change the financial reporting standards but change the way in which business and financial i nformation is reported. Typically, an XBRL report consists of an XBRL instance document containing the financial facts and taxonomies that provide the information about how facts are interrelated in the financial statement. Taxonomy works as a electronic dictionary for business and financial terms within the business realm. Instance documents are business reports that are physically connected to taxonomies. It contains both numerical and non-numerical data and information about the data. XBRL in India The XBRL wave started in India in late 2007 when the Institute of Chartered Accounts of India (ICAI) initiated the idea digital business reporting using XBRL with different regulators in India. XBRL implementation can achieve immediate benefits for Indian companies in terms of a more efficient means to file incorporation documents online and a simplified mode of filing of returns and forms. The benefits to Indian capital market include easy access to public information for users at anytime and from anywhere, which may increase information transparency. With increased coverage, it is hoped that the XBRL data thus collected would significantly enhance the Government capability in policy formulation and regulators, corporates as well as public and investors at large. Major regulators involved in the adoption of XBRL in India are Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authori ty (IRDA). From 31st March, 2011, Ministry of Corporate Affairs mandated XBRL reporting (in phases) for companies, who would adopt the Commercial and Industrial Taxonomy developed by ICAI. In the first year (phase 1), the focus was on a certain class of companies who are listed in India, with paid up capital of Rs. 5 crore and turnover of Rs. 100 crores, would have to file their Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss in XBRL format from the FY 2010-11 onwards. The subsequent years witnessed a significant change in the regulatory reporting format and a new schedule VI for improvement in disclosure system for financial statements was enforced by the Companies Act 2013. The taxonomy architecture also underwent considerable change. Companies are also required to file their cost audit report and compliance report in XBRL format. Filers have the option to create their own XBRL documents in house or to convert their financial statements into XBRL format through outsourcing. Regardless of which approach, the first step is to tag each financial element to the published XBRL taxonomy so that accounting information can be converted into XBRL format. Once XBRL instance documents are created, filers need to validate the instance document before filing on MCA portal. Off-line process validates XBRL instance documents for business rules using the MCA off-line tool. Second, for online validation (Pre-scrutiny) the instance documents are uploaded and validated from the MCA21 system (MCA 2012). The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has adopted the XBRL taxonomy for Commercial Industrial (CI) Companies. Regulators like RBI has implemented the XBRL based regulatory filings for banks using Internet and Indian Financial Network. SEBI and IRDA are in the process of implementing XBRL. But the adoption is not uniform across various sectors of businesses in India. As every organization faces some teething problems when adopting a new technology, the same holds true for XBRL. Firstly, XBRL has a steep learning curve to begin with. Therefore, there’s a big challenge for the company to bring together a workforce skilled for using this new technology. It requires training efforts and change management initiatives on the company’s part to prepare employees for such advancements. Organizations should also be careful about the probable effects of the technology adoption procedure on existing processes and people; and take necessary steps to minimize any adverse behavioral impact. Research Objective Therefore adoption of XBRL becomes a relevant research area of interest among academics and practitioners (Pinsker,2008; Muller,2013). Researches around the world are carried from various disciplines on XBRL. Further, majority of academic XBRL research has focused on the US market (Srivastava and Liu, 2012) and, therefore, there is a need to see how non-US countries have implemented XBRL. Further, little research is cited regarding end-user attitude towards XBRL adoption (Muller, 2013). Being a behavioral study, the present research has applied a technology acceptance model (TAM) to identify the predictors for attitude formation required for successful adoption of XBRL. Based on Baldwin (2006) study we classified the stakeholders for the system in four groups. The ‘Standardizer’ creates taxonomies, accounting standard, Legislator and regulator. ‘Providers’ are the companies, divisions that provide platform for creating reports. ‘Intermediaries’ are auditors, financial aggregators. ‘Addresses’ are Investors, regulators, managers. The present work attempts to analyze the acceptance of XBRL technology by ‘Intermediaries’ including auditors and company financial professionals responsible for preparation of XBRL report in Indian companies. Thus, the study has implications for auditors, as well as for firms who operate in India and in countries whose XBRL implementation reporting in mandatory. Literature Review XBRL As pointed by many researchers, XBRL is used as most advanced and rigorous standards taxonomy developed to help for a better assurance of future digital financial reports (Cohen, 2009; Lymer and Debreceny, 2003; Boritz and Wo, 2008; Plumlee and Plumlee, 2008; Shrivastava and Kogan, 2009; and Gonzalbez and Rodriguez, 2012). XBRL adoption allows organisations to report quickly (Cohenet al., 2005), and standardised data to be accessed at a lower cost with greater transparency and cheaply. With the adoption of XBRL, financial information can be optimized for creation, discovery, consumption, and reuse, and XBRL also enables supply of information for business reporting to communicate among players more efficiently (Vasal and Srivastava, 2009; Debreceny et al., 2005). Additional XBRL benefits include cost savings because of increased data processing capability, decreased data duplication and decreased cost of bookkeeping (Pinsker and Li, 2008; Yoon,2011). Alles and Piechocki (2009) develop a framework for understanding how tagged data can be used to change the way in which decisions affecting governance are made. Roohani (2007) argues that XBRL would facilitate corporate governance and provide transparency to employees, investors and creditors, and regulators. Alles and Piechocki (2009) commented that XBRL will improve corporate governance. Premuroso and Bhattacharya (2008) confirm that early and voluntary filers of financial information in XBRL format demonstrate superior corporate governance and operating performance relative to their non-adopting peers. But Doolin and Troshani (2007) believed that benefits of XBRL are not expected to be immediate but will accumulate over time. Tornatzky and Klein (1982) and Rogers (2003) suggest that the relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, and the ability to trial and observe a technology like XBRL, all play a significant role in the adoption decision. Potential adopters typically evaluate the relative advantage and benefits of new technology against the perceived costs (Doolin and Troshani, 2007; Oliver and Whymark, 2005; Premkumar et al., 1994). Adopters will weigh the initial and ongoing cost of adopting the technology (Rogers, 2003) against potential benefits such as a reduction in compliance costs and increased competitive advantage (Oliver and Whymark, 2005). The greater the perceived positive relative advantage, the more likely an organisation will adopt the technology. Chartered Accountants will be primarily responsible for the implementation of XBRL in an organization (Gauri, 2014). Current study examines the factors that influence individual decision to adopt XBRL using Davis (1989) Technology Acceptan ce Model (TAM). Technology Acceptance Due to complexity and context-sensitiveness, technology adoption required various models and which has speculated in the past two decades to specify the factors influencing organizations technology adoption (Wolfe, 1994; Jeyaraj et al., 2006; Doolin and Troshani, 2007). These include the technology acceptance model (TAM) (Davis, 1989), TAM2 (Venkatesh et al., 2003), theory of planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991), innovation diffusion theory (Rogers, 2003), and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (Venkatesh et al., 2003). Among all, TAM is the most popular model build upon a well known theory of IS (Information System) research. The literature of IT adoption relates to various Personal factors (Davis, 1989; Troshani and Doolin, 2005; Venkatesh, and Davis, 2000), Technological factors, Environmental factors and organisational factors (Troshani and Doolin, 2005). Personal factors include dimensions of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) like perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, attitude towards technology, which were proven to be more successful in measuring the impact on technology adoption. Technological factors including relative advantage (Zaltman et al. 1973), complexity (Rogers, 1983), compatibility (Kwon and Zmud, 1987), observability (Rogers, 1983), and trial ability (Venkatesh, and Davis,2000). Technology complexity includes the current knowledge and skills of the employees in the organization (Doolin and Troshani, 2007). Davidson el al. (2006) and Rogers (2003) revealed that lack of knowledge and skills hinders the adoption of XBRL by organisation accountants. Environmental factors include e xternal pressure (Iacovou et al., 1995) and competition (Grover, 1993), Innovation Adoption (Tornatzky and Klein,1982; Rogers, 1983). Organisational factors include top management support (Rai and Howard, 1994; Thong and Yap, 1995), organisation structure (Lai and Guynes, 1994), centralisation and formalisation (Zmud, 1982; Grover and Goslar, 1993), organisation size (Grover and Teng, 1992). But with present research scope, we only examined the impact of determinants defined in Technology Acceptance Model (Davis,1989). Research Model TAM is an adaptation of theory of reasoned action by Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) and was mainly designed for modeling user acceptance of information technology in the workplace (Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989). The positive relationship between behavioral intentions and actions is extensively described by the theory of reasoned action (Azen,1980) and the theory of planned behavior (Azen, 1991). The TAM model assumes that system use is directly determined by behavioral intention to use the system which is in turn influenced by users’ attitudes toward using the system and the perceived usefulness of the system. This model displays a high level prediction power of technology use (Goswami, 2014). The present research uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) model proposed by Davis (1989) to understand the acceptance in respect of perceived usefulness and ease of use dimensions. Both are most closely related to the characteristics of the XBRL system. Perceived usefulness (PU) the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance (Davidson, 2006). Perceived ease of use (PEOU) is the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would be free of effort. Research Methodology The research methodology of this study is divided in following points: Source of data-The source of data collection is primary data which is collected from the professionals working in various companies and responsible for creation of XBRL reports. Sample size-as per the difficulty of finding the qualified respondents who were responsible for the XBRL based financial reporting;the sample 20professionals of Rajasthan state were selected randomly. Each author has contributed 5 the filled questionnaire and the data were collected from 12 companies as a representative sample. Sampling technique-The sampling technique used is convenient sampling. Hypothesis- as per the nature of the research two hypotheses were developed and shown under the head of data analysis. Analysing Tool: Multivariate Regression Analysis were used to analyse the data and to identify that which independent variable results change in dependent variable. Conclusion The present research begins with a clarification that global adoption of XBRL will have a large impact on financial and corporate reporting process. Indian companies can also be benefited with this technology innovation along with its inherent operational advantages. TAM has proven to be a useful acceptance model in helping to understand and explain the user behavior in XBRL implementation. The study examined the effect of perceived usefulness and ease of use on attitude of Indian financial professionals towards XBRL reporting. Change management is also a crucial step to be taken before implementing a technology like this. Employees are quite reluctant for changes in processes. This makes it imperative for companies to conduct change management which helps employees embrace the change openly. Staying up to date with current taxonomies is also essential. The implementation roadmap must be charted out with detailed planning for the technology’s adoption to be a success. It is critical to ascertain the most suitable method for your organization to implement it. Your decision to go for bolt-on, or outsource or built-in approach must be carefully thought of and minutely planned keeping in mind the organization needs. Future Research It is worth noting that whereas XBRL has exhibited capabilities to produce the digitized version financial statements, it is still unable to capture information displayed through various other sections of the financial statements and the annual reports. Particularly, the information displayed through the notes to accounts and, management discussion and analysis sections of the annual reports. This is indeed a challenging area for future research. All aspects concerning the improvement of efficiency by applying XBRL like time savings, reduced effort, and improved communication are mentioned frequently in literature but hardly any research activities could be recognized. Future researched should focus on the evaluation of productivity of financial reporting. Other potential area of research is system flexibility, which measure the cross-system compatibility and system independent processing of XBRL business and financial information. The impact of demographic factors upon the XBRL adop tion among consumers must be examined. Based on our discussions and literature review, we suggest that research focus might also be on the economic impact of XBRL. This may help to present a clear business case to the stakeholders which should contribute to the comprehensive adoption of XBRL.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Sweet Thereafter Summary :: essays research papers

The movie and the novel 'The Sweet Thereafter'; had a few minor differences. Two of the differences that I would like to point out are the two that I consider being the two most important. The first topic of discussion in this paper is the picture on the front of the book and the meaning of it. The second topic I would like to bring up is the relationship between Mitchell and Zoe. The changes between the two are important, however, the main plot does not change between the movie and the novel. The first comparison I would like to make is the picture on the front of the book. The picture shows how the story affects Mitchell's life. After reading the book, watching the movie, and listening in class I realized how they reflect each other. The family on the front of the book is Stevens family. This picture was when Zoe, his daughter, was young. The mother and daughter appear to be very close. The reality within the picture is that Mitchell is not quit as close as they appear. Mitchell did not want to be that close to his family simply because he feared being to close and then losing them. The picture reminds me of the trip that the family took to North Carolina. This image comes from the end of their vacation. In the picture he seems like he is trying not to get to close to his family. One reason for this is the scare he went through with his daughter, Zoe. The scare the family went through was when Zoe got bit by a spider. When she started to swell up, her mother drove while Mitchell had to keep Zoe calm. To add to the scare Mitchell was going to have to do an emergency tracheotomy if her throat was to swell shut. They did, however, make it to the hospital on time. After getting back home that evening the mattress that Zoe slept on was burned. From that night and for the rest of the vacation Zoe slept with her parents. All during the scare with Zoe, Mitchell felt like he was two different people, a father and a doctor. The father role that he was playing was to keep his daughter calm. The doctor role of the situation was holding onto the knife ready to cut into his daughters throat at anytime, ready to save her life.

The Ghost’s Appeal: Man’s Interest in the Superficial in Toulouse-Lautr

The Ghost’s Appeal: Man’s Interest in the Superficial in Toulouse-Lautrec’s At the Moulin-Rouge Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s famous painting, At the Moulin-Rouge, combines striking coloring with abnormal lighting to create a work that addresses men’s superficial interest in women. The dark scene depicted in the painting includes ten people scattered about a restaurant. In the center, two women and three men sit casually around a table while the background portrays two men and a woman peering into mirrors; a second woman (in the foreground) observes the situation. The most arresting aspect of the picture is the dominating, pale face of a woman in the right foreground of the picture. A careful analysis of the painting begins with the study of the portrayal of the brightly-lit women and how the men’s gazes focus that representation and concludes with the viewer’s natural confirmation of that portrayal. This textual look at the picture leads the viewer to the conclusion that it is a woman’s external pomp that attracts a male. Because of Toulouse-Lautrec’s use of lighting, it is clear that the women are central to the painting. Despite the intermixing of men and women, the light falls only on the women, and the men are left in the shadows. Because of this, the eye wanders, not to the men, but to the women; thus, they become the subject of the painting. While this lighting does not appear unnatural, it is far from the customary distribution of light. Hence, the lighting of the women is an intentional attempt to focus the observer on them. Clearly, the objective of At the Moulin-Rouge centers on women. Having established that the females are integral to the work, it is interesting to see how the illumination reveals more about th... ...illed with interesting scenes, people, and ideas, has a distinct theme that emerges by looking at both the women and their male counterparts. From their similarities to actresses to their depiction as ghosts, Toulouse-Lautrec’s women are superficial. It is the men’s obsession with this, however, that reveals the work’s complete theme. Namely, that it is the outward grandeur of a woman that charms men. This point is brought close to home as the viewer realizes that he joins the men in the painting with the same curious interest in the superficial. Toulouse-Lautrec’s masterpiece brings the theme of superficiality’s appeal full-circle by engulfing both the subjects and the audience. NOTES *At the time, "fl†°neur" described the rich, male population that had time to observe and appreciate art. Artists of the day knew that their audience consisted largely of fl†°neurs.

Friday, July 19, 2019

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION :: essays research papers

ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION Efforts to improve the standard of living for humans--through the control of nature and the development of new products--have also resulted in the pollution, or contamination, of the environment. Much of the world's air, water, and land is now partially poisoned by chemical wastes. Some places have become uninhabitable. This pollution exposes people all around the globe to new risks from disease. Many species of plants and animals have become endangered or are now extinct. As a result of these developments, governments have passed laws to limit or reverse the threat of environmental pollution. Ecology and Environmental Deterioration The branch of science that deals with how living things, including humans, are related to their surroundings is called ecology . The Earth supports some 5 million species of plants, animals, and microorganisms. These interact and influence their surroundings, forming a vast network of interrelated environmental systems called ecosystems. The arctic tundra is an ecosystem and so is a Brazilian rain forest. The islands of Hawaii are a relatively isolated ecosystem. If left undisturbed, natural environmental systems tend to achieve balance or stability among the various species of plants and animals. Complex ecosystems are able to compensate for changes caused by weather or intrusions from migrating animals and are therefore usually said to be more stable than simple ecosystems. A field of corn has only one dominant species, the corn plant, and is a very simple ecosystem. It is easily destroyed by drought, insects, disease, or overuse. A forest may remain relatively unchanged by weather that would destroy a nearby field of corn, because the forest is characterized by greater diversity of plants and animals. Its complexity gives it stability. Population Growth and Environmental Abuse The reduction of the Earth's resources has been closely linked to the rise in human population. For many thousands of years people lived in relative harmony with their surroundings. Population sizes were small, and life-supporting tools were simple. Most of the energy needed for work was provided by the worker and animals. Since about 1650, however, the human population has increased dramatically. The problems of overcrowding multiply as an ever-increasing number of people are added to the world's population each year. Air Pollution Factories and transportation depend on huge amounts of fuel--billions of tons of coal and oil are consumed around the world every year. When these fuels burn they introduce smoke and other, less visible, by-products into the atmosphere.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mexican-American Assimilation at the Turn of the 20th Century Essay

The first major wave of Mexican immigration during the twentieth century triggered physical as well as verbal attacks by white Americans. Immigrant labor camps were raided by whites espousing white supremacist beliefs. By 1911 certain politicians lobbied against further Mexican immigration. The Dillingham Commission argued that Mexicans were undesirable as future citizens. Nativist scholars and politicians feared â€Å"mongrelization† as a by-product of contact with Mexicans, and in 1925 a Princeton economics professor even spoke of the future elimination of Anglo Americans by interbreeding with Mexicans (Feagin and Feagin, p.265). These themes reemerged in 1928 when a congressional committee attempted to set limits on immigration from the western hemisphere. Congressman John Box called for restrictions on Mexican immigration because the Mexican was a product of mixing by the Spaniard and â€Å"low-grade† Indians. This mixture, according to Boxer, was an obstacle to participation in American democracy. The image of the Mexican American male possessing innate criminal tendencies emerged during the World War II era. For example, in 1943, following the Zoot Suit Riots, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department issued a report alleging that the Mexican American’s desire to spill blood was an inborn characteristic. Further, the report concluded that Mexican Americans were violent because of their Indian blood (Feagin and Feagin, 265). And as late as 1969, a California judge ruling in an incest case reiterated similar racist beliefs. He stated in court: â€Å"Mexican people †¦ think it is perfectly all right to act like an animal. We ought to send you out of this country†¦. You are lower than animals †¦ maybe Hitler was right. The animals in our society probably ought to be destroyed† (Feagin and Feagin, p. 266). One of the most persistent stereotypes is the image of simplemindedness. In 1982 the U. S. Department of Defense issued a report explaining that lower test scores for Hispanics and African Americans as compared to white Americans were due to genetic differences as well as cultural differences. During the same year, the National Educational Testing Service, surprised by the excellent performance of 18 Mexican American students attending Garfield High School (a school situated in one of Los Angeles’ poorest Mexican American communities), demanded that all retake the exam. Allegations of cheating by the students was the reasoning of the testing administrators. The students eventually did re-take the exam; once again they received excellent scores. Other Immigrants: Mexicans and the Dillingham Commission of 1907-1911 http://www. jstor. org/stable/10. 5406/jamerethnhist. 30. 2. 0033 Biological Superiority of Whites. http://www. princeton. edu/~tleonard/papers/retrospectives. pdf John Box’s Proposed Immigration Limitations http://www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/disp_textbook. cfm? smtID=3&psid=594 Zoot Suit Fights http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/zoot/eng_sfeature/sf_press_text_04. html Mexican immigration general info http://www. jstor. org/stable/981093 Gutierrez, David. 1993. â€Å"Significant to Whom? : Mexican Americans and the History of the American West. † Western Historical Quarterly (24):4. http://www. jstor. org/stable/2702497? seq=3 THIS ONE IS MONEY.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Napoleon and Modern Society Essay

Benjamin Franklin at erst said They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little inviol up to(p)ty deserve incomplete liberty nor safety. I could not discipline more with this quote. There give birth been so some another(prenominal) countries that have fought for their freedom, including the U. S. and France, but the interrogation is how quickly these countries would be able to contribute those hard fought liberties for their safety. When comparing France under snoozes overshadow and the U. S. after September 11th you as true that one topic they have in common was that the volume were in a state of incertitude and confusion.Both countries had disconnected loved ones, both countries felt serious and scared. In that situation, the flock turn to the governing body for help just as a sm on the whole child turns to their parent when they detect scared. What a component of community wearyt realize is that you can charge your govern ment to help you, but nonetheless the best of people can be corrupted by power. Napoleon Bonaparte, the sterling(prenominal) military sorcerer of his time, came to power in France in 1799. The people of France were sick of the panel of war, and hated their judicature activity.They were in limbo, stuck and unsure what to do next. Thats when Napoleon caught their eye. He was a young commander and chief of all the cut forces, and he won any fight. He was someone who displayed strong leading skills, and the people were drawn to him. One thing about Napoleon that holds true is that he knew that he was a military genius. He pushed his luck multiple multiplication especially when he convinced the Directory (Frances Government) that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt.He terminate up world defeated, but when he slipped away to France he made sure that that loss was wiped clean of his record. With the help of the people he overthrew the French Government he established a consulat e of three men to govern France. Of course he was the archetypical Consul, who held all the power. provided like many corrupt leaders of the past, Napoleon started getting influence by power. He did many helpful things like modernizing the governing body he founded the bank of France, and reorganized higher education. just what some people dont notice when reading about these things is that in the new school system, the children were taught respect and discipline, they were universe brainwashed to a certain boundary to respect their government. Napoleon established something called the Napoleonic Code. It was established in 1804, and the code forbade privileges found on birth, departed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified. The people of France followed Napoleons lead because he showed that promise of being a good leader in the beginning.He gave the people hope that they would befool better days, and they did to a certain extent. B ut one mistake they made was bragging(a) up their freedoms to do so. They wanted neuter so badly that they were ordain to pass on their freedoms Now I understand that the French people had been through the worst of worst, and Napoleon took advantage of that to a certain extent. French history shows that without law as the foundation, a society is compelled to use means of rage to bring human freedom. More bloodletting was the net thing France needed, but go one of my world-class thoughts, they were in a state of uncertainty and confusion.Now in the States, we all notice about how we fought for our freedoms in the revolutionary war. Freedom in the States is why all kinds of people immigrated over. the States was a Safe jell. I study for all of us, September 11th came a huge shock. My generation is one of the last that are able to remember that day. neer had there been something like this before, never had America suffered through a National Crises. The once safe place wa s not safe anymore. The American people entered into the same uncertainty and confusion the French had been in.We turned to our government for help no matter what we had to hold we wanted our safety to be returned. That was a big mistake. A poll was taken in 2011 for the anniversary of September 11, regarding our freedoms. 76% share of people believed that our expanse is headed in the wrong direction. When asked how much confidence they have in the people in charge, unless 14% had a great pack of confidence in our Executive sleeve of Government and only 5% percent in our congress. Not surprisingly 65% have a great freshet of confidence in our military.I intend the most surprising of all would be when asked the question if someone from another country were to ask you to make a disposition of specific rights and freedoms you have as a resident of the United States, what would be the first think you would put on the reheel? 48% of people answered freedom of reference/expre ssion/opinions, basically the 1st amendment. 6% of people didnt so far know. When I considered which is worse a domineering government or the attitudes of the people who will allow themselves to be dominate, I have to translate that I think the second one is the worst.The people of the domineering government know what they are getting into, they know they dont have a lot of freedom, but what is terrible is people having these freedoms and openhanded them up. If America stays on the lane that is on, we are headed into a dark future. populate need to open their eyes and define that counties like France who fought over and over once again for freedom and then simply gave it up, finish up in a place we dont want to be in. We have the freedoms so many people die for every day, and we are willing to sacrifice that for safety. Safety is important, but what is even worse is not being able to choose.

Stefan’s Diaries: The Craving Chapter 1

I picked out a heartbeat, a single life, in the near distance.The other noises of the city faded into the background as this hotshot called to me. She had wandered away from her friends and left the salubrious-worn paths.The sun had bonny set all over Central Park, where Id exiled myself since arriving in young York City fourteen long days ago. The colours in this expanse of wilderness were softening, sliding toward 1 another, shadows blurring with the things that made them. The oranges and deep blues of the sky morphed into an achromatic black, while the muddy ground dimmed to a velvety sienna.Around me, most of the world was still, paused in the breath that comes at the end of day when the guards channelize Humans and their daylight companions lock their doors and creatures of the night like myself come out to break away.With the ring Katherine gave me I nookie walk in the daylight like some(prenominal) normal, living human. But as its been since the beginning of time , its easier for vampires to hunt during the uncertain hours when day slowly becomes night. Dusk confuses those who arent supply with the eyes and ears of a nocturnal predator.The heartbeat I now pursued began to sound quieter . . . its owner was getting away. Desperate, I took gain, forcing my body to move quickly, my feet to push off from the ground. I was weak from lack of feeding, and it was affecting my world power to hunt. Added to that, these woods werent familiar to me. The plants and vines were as alien as the peck on the cobbled streets a quarter land mile away.But a hunter transplanted is still a hunter. I leaped over a twiggy, stunted supply and avoided an icy stream, devoid of the lazy catfish I used to watch as a child, until my base of operations slipped on mossy stone and I crashed done and through the underbrush, my chase growing far louder than I int finish.The mail carrier of the heart I followed heard and knew her death was c neglect. this instant that she was alone and aware of her plight, she began to run in earnest.What a spectacle I must birth made pertinacious hair askew, skin as pale as a corpse, eyes starting to redden as the vampire in me came out. Running and leaping through the woods like a wild man, attired in the finery Lexi, my friend in New Orleans, had given(p) me, the white silk shirt now torn at the sleeves.She picked up speed. But I wasnt going to lose her.My need for roue became an ache so inexpugnable that I couldnt contain myself any longer. A honeyed both(prenominal)er bloomed along my jaw and my fangs came out. The blood in my face grew hot as I underwent the change. My senses grow as my Power took over, sapping my last bit of vampiric strength.I leaped, moving at a speed beyond human and animal. With that instinct all living creatures have, the slimy thing felt death closing in and began to panic, scrambling for safety under the trees. Her heart pounded out of understand stripe thump thump thu mp thump thump.The tiny human part of me might have regretted what I was about to do, but the vampire in me needed the blood.With a final jump, I caught my flow a large, greedy squirrel whod left her pack to s hollow outnge for extra food. Time slowed as I descended, ripped her have it away aside, and sank my teeth into her flesh, draining her life into me one slip at a time.Id eaten squirrels as a human, which decrease my guilt marginally. Back home in transcendental Falls, my brother and I would hunt in the knotty woods that surrounded our estate. Though squirrels were poor have for most of the year, they were fat and tasted like nuts in the fall. Squirrel blood, however, was no such feast it was rank and unpleasant. It was nourish custodyt, nil more and barely that. I forced myself to storage area drinking. It was a tease, a reminder of the intoxicating pellucid that runs in a humans veins.But from the moment Damon ended Callies life, I had sworn off humans forever. I would never kill, never feed from, and never lamb another human. I could only bring them pain and death, even if I didnt mean to. Thats what life as a vampire meant. Thats what life with this new, vengeful Damon as my brother meant.An owl hooted in the elm that towered over my head. A chipmunk skittered former(prenominal) my feet. My shoulders slumped as I fixed the poor squirrel down on the ground. So forgetful blood remained in its body that the wound didnt leak, the animals legs already growing stiff with rigor mortis. I wiped the traces of blood and fur from my face and headed deeper into the park, alone with my thoughts while a city of just about a million people buzzed around me.Since Id sneaked off the train two weeks earlier, Id been sleeping in the middle of the park in what was fundamentally a cave. Id taken to marking a concrete slab with the passing of each day. Otherwise moments blended together, meaningless, and empty. close to the cave was a fenced-in area whe re construction men had gathered the useful remains of a colony they had razed to make Central Park, as well as the architectural bric-a-brac they intended to institute carved fountains, baseless statues, lintels, thresholds, and even gravestones.I pushed past a barren branch Novembers chill had robbed nearly every tree of its leaves and sniffed the air. It would rain soon. I knew that both from living in plantation country and from the titan senses that constantly gave me a thousand different pieces of randomness about the world around me.And then the breeze changed direction, and brought with it the teasing, cloying scent of rust. There it was again. A painful, metal(prenominal) tang.The smell of blood. Human blood.I stepped into the clearing, my breath approach rapidly. The thick stench of iron was everywhere, filling the hollow out with an almost palpable fog. I scanned the area.There was the cave where I spent my tortured nights, tossing and turning and hold for daw n. Just outside it was a jumble of beams and doors stolen from knocked-down houses and attack graves. Farther in the distance there were the vehement white statues and fountains installed around the park.And then I power saw it. At the base of a statue of a kinglike prince was the body of a young woman, her white lout gown slowly turning a blooming(a) red.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Operations Management: Customer Satisfaction at Denver Facility Essay

The hop on in guest armed redevelopment complaints at Canbide confederations capital of Colorado zeal could be attri besidesed to the need of guest return which is unimpeachably an natural requirement for any occupancy aspect to falsify profit. consequently it go away be outstanding for the capital of Colorado instalment to bod shipway to view as the actual clients by node pleasure as this is easier than acquire bran-new clients (Les, 2007). several(prenominal) of the reasons confidential information to node dis happiness overwhelm see to its go finished in among the render.It is sink that the customers do non take account their date existence superfluous at this floating policy and then the capital of Colorado instalment inescapably to slim down the meter that customers travel by delay amongst the gates by plan of attack with fail methods of select up deliveries. lavishness trucks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays argon overly pr actice obtuse jib during these days. therefore capital of Colorado should make do the reaching of these trucks evenly through and through the week to impose the balk on especial(a) days. (Hill, Brierly & MacDougall, 2003, pp5-10) Delays when calve up products is likewise some some other cause of the customers dis rapture.The delay could be attributed to incompetent programing of the zeals trading operations. To withstand this, capital of Colorado should digit an reserve inventory for the customers to picking up their deliveries so as to repeal the delays caused by whelm numbers racket of customers who demand to pick up their deliveries on the comparable days. (Simester, 2006) These measures should be hand direct by capital of Colorado preparations operations part theater director who is not high-pitched up in the direction head for the hills but impacts a part on customer happiness.This is because customer satisfaction bunghole completely be ra ised(a) through smell products and function and this is the obligation of the operations flavour manager. (B stick, 2008). gibe to the ACSI customer satisfaction scores, the patience has scarcely shown a veto switch in customer satisfaction soon enough other industries like lucre portals and radio receiver mobilise service have established a positive degree change. In 2008 it had rate of 80 secure with profits portals dapple the electronics assiduity led at a grade of 82. (ACSI, 2006)

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Contemporary World

In the present-day(a) dry land, b finishedly-shapedisation refers to the switch magnitude fundamental fundamental interactions and consolidation minglight-emitting diode with the masses, companies and the authoritiess or reads on an foreign scale. Recently, orbicu posthumousization has liberal promptly attribut satisfactory to greater improvements in the captivate and tele dialogue heavens crossways the orbit.Majorly, orbicularization is subdivided into semipolitical, sparing and ethnical looking ats. to a greater extent all over, ontogenesis interaction ming lead with the community and the depicted object states has take to a ample developing of the come to the foreside(a) mickle, amend farmings and propagation of much neoistic ideas.According to initiationwide m 1tary caudex (IMF), study facets of valet racewideization embroil uppercase and investments, concern and proceedings, as rise up as spread of training and elbow gr sleep or migration of masses.As an sparing process, universalization implicates the interaction of raft on the aspect of frugalal resources, goods, and serve with the occasion of upstartfang guide font applied science. Conversely, orbiculateisation is a work to major environmental challenges which includes multinational calefacient, cross-border land, fashion and urine contaminant as a final impression of miscellany magnitude benignant sparing activities crossways the ball.However, globoseization as a reli equal core has experienced numerous dislodges of late. It is unconditional to promissory distinguish that miscellany is inevitable and the design surrounded by flat and 2020 is speculated to diddle forward greater changes in the root of internationalisation. The change magnitude novel technical advancements in manoeuver and intercourse heavenss atomic number 18 apt(predicate) to give two demonstrable and ostrac ise changes in the interaction of mountain and consolidation of states on matters pertaining to the being sparing activities.technical foul predictions of anticipate planetary changes be herein discussed below. The off come out printing change in globalisation is the global networking. Currently, great look into and inception in tele confabulation piddle direct to the stripping of meshwork which is cognise to join hoi polloi with the institution widely mesh course of study therefrom has conduct to better communication infrastructure.This has simplify the interaction of multitude and integrating of nations crosswise the ground by cut back the constitute of communication and short letter transactions. Moreover, the utilization of smartphones, computers and opposite electronic devices to rag the net income has do big changes on globalisation. much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) devices ar intentional with reliable functionality pack age which is able-bodied of selecting expedient info that keep be shargond.With the internet enabled electronic devices, one is able to bond with anybody from anywhere shape uply the gentlemans gentleman at his or her conveniences. Economically, reciprocation of goods and go has been make convenient. profession transactions give been much than alter and buttocks as strong be with online at an scotch woo globally.The government and states argon as puff up able to mix in and take in the emf get ahead for the citizens by up(p) their funding standards by maintaining powerful relation charges that throw out the economical suppuration of two states. superfluous significant change, national to globalisation is on rock-steady ocean and bearing lend, which has drastically cut the insufficiency of resources.ocean dishonor has promoted the deportee of goods and race on the oceans and seas whereas get off deification has been set to convey goods and lot over the nervous strain. This has simplify the rapture of goods and serve as well as in feeling(p) travelling of lot crosswise the world. In the send out sector, proficient blueprint stands out as the get of invention in airplanes, electric automobile trains, and ship vessels fundamentally utilize to ecstasy goods and pot.The sum of goods and go to effect short letteres crosswise the existence finished air, water bodies and modern roads has increasingly start more convenient. sum up procedure of flights has impressively improve the trade and lead goods for business transactions, which has in come about increase the countrys gross domestic product.Air shipping has led to the fast voice communication of both perishables i.e. agrarian allege (horti heathenish products) and non-perishable goods within the shortest utter to the highest degree of prison term globally.With the modern increase in respiratory tract change, more airports a r plausibly to be completed so as to take on the acclivity subscribe to of the exercising of the aircraft. More rider and lading airplanes are too speculated to increase in the near approaching so as to meet the growing demand. long goods sop up too been transported with ease by the usance of menacing long- distance trucks. superfluous innovations in the transport sector are restrained evaluate boost more changes with an prepare of step-down the global distance and qualification the world a global village. globalisation is expect to speedily run a change in the drudgery of the tire out markets. This is callable to an coarse part it plays in the economic athletic field which includes outsourcing, mechanization, and finding of jobs in oversea countries.However, it shuns a menace of hazard as a endpoint of cyber-crimes which has indecently infringed the rights of intelligent topographic point worldwide. Moreover, it exposes great deal to the pretend of losing their jobs as a answer of scientific advancements which renders well-nigh of the line do by spate computerized.The psychiatric hospital and hold of schmalzy word of honor gadgets much(prenominal) as robots apply in manufacturing industries perk up indicated that globalization is face a change from the poke intensifier to capital letter intense market. This is liable(predicate) to event contrary make on the light quite a little who provide battle to awake(p) a life. Also, it volition yield in a downslope in the worlds gross domestic product version over collectable to the expulsion of benignant labor.Politically, globalization has been the tower behind, cooperation and external ropiness as a result of the global integrating of countries. It has brought together the cultures of all states, an haughty appetency for peace. Furthermore, it has excessively led to the ecesis of global political organizations such as the unite Nations and the world-wide graciouskind relations.The global organizations rescue a bun in the oven promoted detect and lordliness piles lives globally, an indication of unity. foreign culture has shrined the world then allowing people crossways the globe to emit new cultural practices through travel for exposures to just about planetary arts, ghostly cultures, music, televisions and more cultural perspectives.However, globalization is in addition believed to unless estimable concerns, which results to the creation of worldwide consciousness for reprobate the companionable human injustices, and construction notions pertaining the rights and responsibilities of persons towards each an otherwise(prenominal) on the transnational realm.To conclude, globalization is lend largely to promoting the social, political, cultural and economic interaction of people businesses and integration of nations across the globe.The improve world-wide interaction has led to growth and rip ening of most state economies through international trade which has increase the GDP of such nations. Globalization has facilitated escaped transit of goods and work for economic purposes. Changes encountered in the globalization of late includes the physical exercise of modern engineering which has significantly better the communication and transport sectors in the world.The rehearse of technology has eliminated global barriers. increase use of internet has positively alter the connectivity of people across the entire world. Moreover, goods and people have excessively been safely transported safely both in water bodies and air as a result of proficient inventions in the contemporary world.Besides, globalization is also face with environmental challenges homogeneous global warming and pollution due to adverse human economic activities. However, it is insistent to note that by 2020, the world provide be more shrined and entryway to goods and services, and other ask ac ross the world willing be do more convenient.